Holla bloggers... Tik tok,tik tok..Ramadhan dtg lagi...Rasanya baru semlm menyambut aidilfitri..hai, cepatnya masa berlalu..tahun lalu, aku masih berpuasa di Segamat sebagai seorg pelajar UiTM Johor. Dan pada ketika itu juga, aku bekerja sebagai pekerja am di bawah pimpinan Ustaz Ahmad Nawawi(my fabulous lecturer n boss!) bersama seorg 'partner' bernama saudara Syakir...Dek kerana aku mengambil 2 subjek shj ketika itu, lalu masa terluang tu diisi untuk bekerja.Satu pengalaman yg tak dapat dilupakan.Seronok! Teringat gelagat Kak Ina dan Kak Mis di UPQ.Entah ingt lagi ke diorang dengan aku..hehe..Ustaz plak mesti rimas dengan aku sbb hari-hari aku minta duit raya..ha,dapat ke tak?mesti la dapat...Terima kasih Ustaz! Selain pengalaman berpuasa sebagai pekerja di situ, teringat juga aku dengan rumah sewaku di Segamat.Tentulah bersama-sama kawan-kawan serumah yang tercinta.Masing-masing dah membawa haluan sendiri. Tak tahu kenapa saat ni, teringat sangat dengan mereka. Mungkin kerana sudah 2 tahun meraikan Ramadhan brsama. Berbuka bersama, bersahur bersama...Semuanya bersama. Kalau seorang tak ada, mesti mcm rase kekosongan. Saat yang paling tak dpt dilupakan ialah membeli juadah berbuka dan memasak bersama. Juadah selalunya kami beli di Bazaar UiTM sahaja. Kalau aku balik dari kerja, aku akan terus ke ke dataran UiTM untuk 'membeli-belah'. Senarai makanan dalam 'inbox handphone' mesti dibuka kerana itulah pesanan dari kawan2 tercinta dkt rumah tu.Juadah yang wajib dibeli ialah keropok lekur,kuih-muih, taufufa dan mcm2 lagi lah. Sesampai shj di rumah, berehat dengan kawan2 smbil menonton slot kegemaran kami di TV3. Kalau tahun pertma berpuasa dengan mereka,aku seronok menonton 'Manjalara', tahun lepas pula mgkin Spa Q(tak sehebat manjalara). Drama berepisod Manjalara ditayangkan kembali di TV3. Aku tak akan terlepas menonton setiap episod seperti baru pertama kali menontonnya. Bukannya apa, sambil menonton tu, kenangan bersama rakan-rakan serumah melekat kuat di fikiran. Kami akan berlari-lari ke depan tv untuk menontonnya. Kalau kelas habis lewat, pemandu kereta pada hari tersebut(tak kira lah, aku,ayu,tan atau aleen) tak ubah seperti pelumba F1 untuk sampai ke rumah tepat pada pukul 6.30 pm. Seperti kewajipan, kami akan singgah dahulu di Gemerih untuk membeli kuih-muih di gerai kecil di tepi jalan.Yang wajib mestilah keropok lekor dan donat!...Berbalik kepada bulan Ramadhan pula, waktu bersahur juga penting bagi kami. Ada ketikanya kami bersahur di luar, memasak lauk yang 'simple', ataupun menghabiskan shj juadah bebuka yang tak sempat dihabiskan. Kami akan bersahur sebelum tidur dan selalunya pada pukul 1-3 am. Juadah yang paling senang untuk kami sediakan ialah, kurma dan juga air masak..hehe..Itupun sudah cukup mengenyangkan..hmm..alangkah seronoknya masa tu. Owh, sebelum aku terlupa, jiran kami yang baik hati iatu Makcik Ani yang selalu juga membawa juadah berbuka untuk kami.Hanya Allah shj yg dapat membalas budi beliau. Kami tak sempat untuk berjumpa dengan beliau sebelum meninggalkan rumah tersebut. Makcik Ani sinonim dengan buah-buahannya seperti rambutan. Bertong-tong rambutan kami dapat sebelum beliau mencantas dahan pokok tersebut. Nampaknya, lama lagi la pokok tu nak berbuah kembali. Tapi kami beruntunglah sebb kami lah org terakhir makan buah rambutan tersebut sebelum dia bercambah kembali...Hai, bila agaknya pengalaman seprti ni akan berulang kembali...Rindunya dengan mereka!Segamat, daerah yang kecil tu membawa seribu makna kepada ku dan rakan-rakan yg lain.Betullah org tua ada berpesan, jangan benci-benci sgt, nanti lama-kelamaan jatuh cinta.Begitulah yang terjadi kepada aku. Ketika diploma dulu, menangis-nangis aku bila dapat tahu akan brsambung belajar di sana. 'Homesick' yg keterlaluan, walaupun sebenarnya bukannya jauh dengan rumah ku. Sekarang seperti nak sambung lagi belajar di sana..nak sambung ape lagi ya?..hehe..hari ni, hari pertama Islam di Malaysia menyambut Ramadhan. Aku baru shj sahur dan solat Subuh. Terus terkenang Ramadhan-Ramadhan yg lalu. Dan ringan shj jari-jemari ni menaip pengalaman dan memori lampau bersama rakan-rakan terhebat ku. Alin, menyambung praktikalnya di syarikat perumahan di Kluang, Ayu, juga menyambung praktikalnya tetapi di Johor Bahru, Ira menjalani kursus latihan yang dianjurkan oleh kerajaan Malaysia iaitu GEMS di Genting, Hana bekerja di Hotel Intekma & Resort di Shah Alam, Tan@yanti bekerja sebagai seorang guru kontrak di sekolah Cina di Kepong dan dengarnya akan berkahwin pada akhir tahun ini atau awal tahun depan...Dan aku, masih di Batu Pahat, membuat persiapan untuk memulakan perniagaan kecil-kecilan dan juga sambil-sambil mencari pekerjaan juga yang sesuai. Org kata, jgn memilih sgt, tapi aku ni cerewet orgnya,jadi kena lah memilih sikit. Itu yang agaknya tak dapat-dapat kerja.Ada offer pun, tak pergi..Buat masa ni pun, baru 2, 3 kerja sahaja yang dipohon..hehe..Cinta?Kalau ade jodoh,ada la..Biarlah Allah dan masa shj yg tentukan. Itu yang terbaik.....Sempena Ramadhan ini, aku memohon ampun dan maaf, zahir dan batin kepada sesiapa yg mengenali diri ini..Semoga, ibadah kita kali ini diterima Allah SWT...Amiiinn...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Oh Ramadhan....
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Back 2 UiTM Johore,,,
Yesterday, i went to UiTM Johor, to submit the borang clearance that they send to my home..I've never done the borang when i was in diploma, but nothing happen pun.as long as the student xdek utang ngan uitm,ok la..if not, the student's scroll 2 kene tahan until u pay all the 'utang tertunggak' 2 n no convo ceremony ok!..I went there with my gud gud frens..aleen n ayu..we met at the centre point, which at Yong peng(LUcky Garden parking) n after dat we were cruisin together by aleen's car(we call it van..haha)..I was actually very excited to meet them since we were not seeing each other for about 3-4 months (lame la jugak kan..)they went to UiTM to seeing their advisor(En Syed Izaddin)..During the journey 2, bykla kitorg chit chatting..like 10 yrs xjumpe ni..biasela, gurls' talk..here gossips,there pun gossips..haha..but it was fun la...sedar xsedar, we've reached Segamat around 1pm..then we went to McD 2 have our lunch there..After we finished the meal,we went straight to campus..UiTM Johor has undergo many changes since I left it..ade rumah iglu besar wey..(it's actually tangki air kot..hehehe)..then most of the building are re-painted into colourful painting...rase cam nak study balik jer..huhu..(nak ke itm ni kat aku lagi..ntah2 da busan da,hihi)..then we were given the mask (H1N1)..everybody in UiTM has to wear the mask for precaution la...1st time dapat pakai balik mask ni since primary school dulu, jerebu case..excited la plak bile pakai..sampai pose2 wat photoshoot..haha..tapi, serious, tetap serious la..after ayu n aleen met En Syed, we all wanted 2 say HYe to PM Kamel la of course kan..there we met feen n d gang, sempat lagi nk promote broadband Celcom dorg 2...boleh ditimbangkan la broadband 2..(baru nak anta prposal jugak...ksiannn uuu alll)..haha, luckily i da lepas wat report 2 sume coz sem ni, dgr cite susah..sabar je laaa...after da hu ha hu ha ngan PM, Alin n I went to Pn.Wan Haslin's office, our KP to get her initial for my clearence form la. Feen pun ade time 2..during the chit chatting, Pn. Wan asked me "keje kat mane now?"..then i ckp 'i xkeja lagi, malasnye la puan..hehe"..i tot die nak advise ke ape..but die ckp "it's ok, i dulu pun xterus keje..lepak kat umah sampai i boring baru cari keje.."..yeay, nampak nye i de mentor baru la...haha...then i talked about on9 business ngn die..n she said gud for me to start d busines..n after that she suggested to us yg ade mase senggang, leh la wat website for marketeers UiTM JOhor..e.g alumni marketeers UiTM Johor..it'll function to the students and also ex-students to update their informations from time to time..senang la nanti nak wat re-union kan..gud idea la...hmmm..chit chatting done, we're ready to go back..before that, singgah jap kat Gemerih..uuhh,rindunye kuih-muih akak 2..(tapi xbeli pun....hikhikhik)..d reason y we dropped by there,ialah, i've got to buy sugar for my mom...it was funny when i asked her..'mak nak pesan anythin kat segamat?..suddenly she answered..'belikan mak gula"...ha?..gula-gula ke?..'nope!..i mean sugar!'..Batu Pahat r running out of sugar..masuk berita utama TV3 tu..headline lagi..then, i beli la...1st kedai, dapat 1 pack, 2nd kedai dapat 1pack..3rd kedai, uncle 2 ckp abes..xde lagi..then i started to buat muke sedih n ckp..'Uncle, I dtg dari Batu Pahat tau, mau cari gula..sana sume da abes.itu pasal saya dtg sini.mlm tadi masuk berita semua.Uncle xtau ke?..smbil 2, i berjalan kuar dari kedai..suddenly, die panggil i..'amoy, ye ke masuk brita?..lai..lai...lai..die bawak saye ke hujung skit, n ckp pelahan2..'ada gula, bukan xda..tapi kurang..kilang2 sume xmau kluar gula lagi sebb itu govmt kata janji mau naik harga, tapi smpai skrg xda naik jugak..'..ooo, ye ke..ingt kes sorok gula...ape2 la, janji i dapat gula..yeay!dapat 3 pack gula..!after that, feen n d gang asked us 2 join them minum ptg kat warung depan 2..kitorg pun g la..i ordered cendol.ternyata cendol pun tawar.maybe becos case sorok gula ni kot..sambung lagi chit chatting there..finished that, we all pun balik...i reached home around 730 pm..n guess what, my mom very happy wif my 3 packs of sugar..SUPRISE....haha...pls enjoy my photography session with mask below there..hahaha....
end p/s: thanks 2 feen, yusri n ali boulala sebb ajak minum same n bayarkan skali...yeay!nanti kalo nak wat sayonara trip, jgn lupe plus 1 org senior yg xseberape nie dlm budget u all k...!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
my intro 2 d business world..:p
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
IdEA comES...
while waiting for any jobs, idea comes.....
i'm planning to start a businesss..an 0n9 business...
diz idea comes when i'm now addicted to buy things on9..especially dresses,tops and accesories...
i tot, most of d on9 business need a credit card 2 make d payment..and i was wrong..
maybank and cimb bank will work also...
in fact, during e-commerce and internet marketing subject, i was thought to build a website and start a business virtually...
and now, i'm thinking to do it in serious way!..practice d exactly wut i learned during 5 years in UITM...why not huh!!!
when it's ready, u all r invited 2 shopping wit me...!
i trying to find a uniqeness in my product...
wish me luck k!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
me as a practical trainee 1.12.2008-13.3.2009
holla bloggers..
long time no blogging..since im bz wit my practical training at Proton Edar B.Pahat..
I bet u, u don't want to know bout my work there n my challenges being the only girl(yg belum kawen) in the office and d rest were, about 17 married men and 4 married women..fuh!...it was sux..plus the staff were closed-minded people(not all of em')...i couldn't cope wit dat..huhu
wut can i say for the 'sux' things during my training there is just bcos of the jelousy!loads of envy...
n realy typical malay people(suke fitnah2 org sebb ingt diri da bagus)...owwhh please...!
and because of dat, my lecturer took action by stopping me from doing training there(thanks to pn. wan haslin n pm kamel, uitm johor)
the hQ staff (HR Dept) that i called for further reference were also very rude 2 me saying dat they didnt want 2 send any letter to UITM. i tot, im still a UITM student, not the permanent staff lol....!i think, they forgot bout dat....heyy, u cannot do that,eventhough im a studentPROTON.DUN LOOK DOWN AT PEOPLE!u r underestimate me..i hate dat!..u people r so disgusting!u r suppose to be a professional not a bias one!like my lecturer said.."management kampung"..haha
it's so boring 2 tell diz story.however, i believe dat all these things dat happend to me is kind of bless from Upthere..rahmatla..my 1st bless is, UiTM cutdown my training prctical period to only 3 months instead of 4 months..so, i've got 1 month free..no work for me..except 2 continue and focus wit my research...haha..it's mean dat, the evil people dat want to look me fail were not very succeed wit their plans...pitty em'..serves u rite..!
im so relieve dat all of these problems r over..im continuing my life as usual, while searching for d rite job for me..actually, i cannot be so choosy plus the economy level r not so stable..n i end now..i'll come out wit my previous research progress on my next blog..
daaa..~flip 'n' wave~ from left: abang comey(salesman),me and Kak pun (cleaner)
p/s: dorg ni ok..yg xok, mls aku nak upload!
Monday, May 11, 2009
old tag II...
Monday, March 9, 2009
old tag...
--from some1 special and of course on my G-SPOT area la machaa...hikhikhik
2.How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
--xberape nak morning sgt r today...feelin like in hell y'all...sumthin buggin me since last week!
3.Who was the last person you take a photo with?
--my best fren.KIREEN....
actually..NO..but Yes!..a few of them..hahahah!
5.What does your last text message said?
I otw balik-habyby-
6.What are thinking of right now?
how can i remember to do the form5 account...argghhh!
7.Do you wish someone was with you now?
ya habyby....
8.What time did you go to sleep last night?
aronud 4 am..huhu
9Where did you buy the tshirt you are wearing now?
im not wearing tshirt rite now dowh...
10.Is someone on your mind right now?
ya habyby again...!
11.Who was the last person who text you?
no one except my habyby..!!!
12.Peoples tagged to do this quiz:
whoever that read my blog now..fair n square!
2 answer below..1.ijat
4. rasfeen
13.Who is you are having relationship with?
my habyby..lol!
17.Is no.3 is male or female?
18.If no.2 and no.3 get together,will it be a good thing?
hahaha...aleen n ustaz...gile ke pe!
19.What is no.1 studying about?
20.Is no.4 single?
i've no idea..maybe not
21.Say something about no.2
ustaz is my favourite lecturer..i'll miss u ustaz..diz ustaz is double thumbs' up!
22.What do you think of no.2 and no.4 get together?
could not imagine!
23.Describe no.3
my bff..forever n ever!
24.What will you do if no.1 and 3 fight?
ignore...pas 2 mesti baik semula...4 sure..haha
25.Do you like no.5?
i dun have num 5..sorry!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
kene TAGGED!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
GENG-pengembaraan bermula...
holla guys...
yesterday, i watched upin ipin movie...
at last baby!...
wut can i say bout diz movie, it was fun n so adventurous!
i was so excited to watch diz movie since i watched the series (tapi 2 episode jer)...
really salute with the crew team that create this movie so success and attract all kind of people in Malaysia to watch it..no regrets man!...
so, let's support Malaysian cartoon...!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
ramal nasib thru D.O.B...
holla bloggers...
ramal nasib?..have u ever tried it bfore?
a person dat i've known as kak nor has 'ramal' for me to look my ability in the business industry...
will i able to manage a business?
like wut kak nor said, a person that born on 21 february 1985(so soon) is grouped under 'besi' people...other than 'besi' are 'air', 'tanah' etc...
according wut she said, there r many advantages that i own in my innerself that sumtimes, i even didn't noticed it...
leadership quality, stubborn, sensitive (so people around me have to talk gently and be soft spoken to me), adorable person (haha), has a gud voice(haha), if been guided he/she will be managed a gud business, daring person and so, so, so on..
really matched me!!!not being proud of, but this 'ramalan' i can say 95% true bout myself...
hmmm..so, it is a positive way for me to build myself to get a better life in my future and of course to be a better person...
I really believe in wut people said, u have to lurve urself before u lurve sumone...
u have to believe wit ur ability which is sumtimes u r not realizing it...
unbelievable?...believe it!..(actually, it's hard to believe it,hehe...yaikkkss!)
Monday, February 9, 2009
POP quiz..try it! u will feel stress out..i bet u!
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse.)
C) Continue this game by tagging 4 other people
1.What have you been doing recently?
- napping in front of TV(kat office plak 2...)
2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
- of course! when i get mad wif HIM..arggghhh
3.What happened at 10am today?
4.When did you last cry?
- last nite! bcos of HIM also!
5.Believe in fate/destiny?
- we can change our destiny la dude! for e.g: if u do ur homework, then u will get a good destiny 2morow when your teacher ask to submit it, but if u don't, then MATI la....!
6.What do you want in your life now?
- currently, i'm thining to get an 'A+' for my case study report baby!!!!..others...not interested!sorry..
7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
- i lurve sweaters wit hooded, i'll go wit hooded then..i use umbrella when i get burned under the sun...(puteri lilin!)
8.What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
- lying down wit my cat n listening to Ipod...fantastic!
9.What are you wearing now?
- office wear...pink flowered shirt n grey pants
10.What's the nicest things in your inbox?
11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
- i tried to make it not sooo complicated, but i lose!
12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
-huh! excuse me...sorry,teeeetttt..wrong guessing!
13.What was the last movie you caught?
-last nite.Ong-Bak 2...very fightin movie!
14.What are you proud of?
- to be in the group of 'steel' people!..besi is still besi la bro!
15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
- 'call la ami, lagi senang..die belum antar proposal 2 lagi'
16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
- LOvE StoRy by TAylor sWIft
17.Do you have any nicknames?
- lots of...yuyu,sam,schnna,yol...
18.What does the newest text say?
- 'sorry sam, aku baru je transfer cnie, aku xknal lagi budak loan kereta'...
19.What time did you go to bed last night?
- around 2am
20.Are you currently happy?
- so-so....well, more precisely, not in a good mood...huhuhu
21.Who gives you the best advise?
- someone dat i lurve..but mostly, i didn't take d advise...sorry...'steel people'!
22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
-i lurve it baby..!
23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
- no one--more on texting
24.Is something bugging you know
- my allowances n my case study n also my 'status'
25.Who was the last person to make you laugh?
- my beloved BOSS...
26. What do you think about this survey?
- at least, i can post a new blog today, without brainwashin!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
holla bloggers...
it's been years xbloggin nie..
miss it so much..
but time's runnin so fast lately..
i'm bulkin with so much of work baby!
many things happen 2 me, while im not writin..
there's sad n gud story..
during the 'silence', i'd prefer to be a gud listener rather than talkin craps, craps n craps to others..
there's also changes i made to myself..it's part of my frustration n speak up my feelings without realizing it...