Wednesday, February 9, 2011

good mood (x) nope...mode off (/)


Not a gud 1 felling sux! it'sall because LOVE. love to him, to myself to my family. It' sumething that u really don't want to read (i betcccha), but i'm gonna to face this situation, day by day, years by years..till got volmit!..bored in this situation?..ofcoz! to reach 5 years and over is sumethin like i dun know how to describe. the real 1:

Complicated, heart breaking, frustration, energy-low,emo, eating much, more sleep.HARD to describe.. RUBBISH!...relationships need TRUST no matter what...u've chose her/him.PLEASE TRUST. if not, it's wasting and useless. love is not easy. TRUST with bold heart.i don know others, but for me it's a tricky game.u have to use ur brain to win in this game..your left brain.!!!creative to live...there are many many bad words represent the emotional right now.enjoy!


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