Friday, September 5, 2008

D moment of truth...

it's me again...

2day, i want to share with u all 'bout a tv programme called 'D moment of truth'...

originated from n my whole housemates watched in ch.711(starworld), every Wednesday, at 10pm..

it's a cool programme that consists a bundle of questions to ask 2 the contestant..

the best part is, they have to answer the questions correctly n truely honest..

syok kan..

kate la peserta 2 jawab tipu, the mesin there mesti dapat detect..poligfraf die dapat tau kite ni tipu ke tak..

gameshow ni lebh kurang cam 'who wants 2 be a millionaire'...

ade positive n negeative side nye about this game..

for last week, soalan2 die makes the family united again..n happy..

before that, dorg ni tak happy because kewujudan org luar dlm family, but then the question focused on the relationship between the son n the mother..

bagus kan...hmmm.

yang this week episode, i think mesti the husband n wife ni perang besar bile balik umah..

nape i ckp cam 2..?

k, i britau sebb dier..

d questions mostly were focused on their relationship..

mule2 tnye pasal kawan2 c isteri yang xdiketahui oleh si suami..d answer, no..!..good..

then it's gettin sensitive..c isteri ni dpt jawab sampai yang ke 13..ok lagi je..

but then, it comes to qustion no.14..having sex wif another guy after u get married..?..n d answer is Yes...OMG!

tergmam la si suami nie kan..

pastu nak lagi panas, si isteri ni punye former boyfriend bleh dtg kt studio 2, n tanye soalan kat die.'sanggup x awak tinggalkn suami awak untuk jatuh cinta kembali kat saya'?...

si pompuan ni tak dapat jawab, sebb salah sog ari family members die tekan buzzer,..

d buzzer functions for the contestant for not answering the Q..

d next question pulak, the former boyfriend tu tanye lagi, 'adakah awak sepatutnya menghwini saya?'...

tekalah jawapan die.....

si isteri ni bleh jawab YES!!!!.

x tergamam plak suami die kan..

kesian gile...da la jensem, cute plak 2..he2..

pastu, bile datg soalan ke17, pompuan tu jawab salah..poligraf mchine tu ckp 'FALSE"...

padan muke die...!!!!!!!

terbang USD200K...

haru kan gameshow ni..?

tapi dapat bayangkan x, kalo malaysia wat gameshow gini...?

kiter kan selalu tiru2 org...

kalo berani tiru la yang nie...

k, chow dulu!

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